jueves, 30 de julio de 2015


In this last four years we`ve seen some changes about the education in Chile that can be disput if his application is good or not for ours country. After the students protests, of the secondary and the universities with the support of the political party, with facts like march, dancing, delivery a letters and list of request with changes the form of the education like the financing and administration, they got changes like, regulation of  the school pass, that PSU be free, more scholarship .
Also is very important say after this students protests, was got a consolidation into union from different parts like teaching association, worked association (CUT) and political party. The last made a new association: "Nueva Mayorìa" that arrived at governmet and parliament with well-known person in the leadership of the students protest like: Gabriel Boric (independent), Camila Vallejos (PC) , Giorgio Jackson and Karol Cariola (PC)... 
This years, the Republic President announcement more scholarship for the 60% of the students that are in the CRUCH, but this facts is question because not cover the reality of the chilean students, besides the conditions that it`s studing is innapropiate, some people not have money for studing because the education still is a market :/ 

martes, 28 de julio de 2015

Why do I want be a vet?

My dreams when i was a child was lawyer, it last until when i graduate of the primary because i like defend and discuss for anything,  but when i was in the secondary i changed the humanism for the science, because i want learn about other topic of the world, like the nature, the operate of the thing and the body like the human and animals, but i still continue like the history it is the reason that i have a other option of the career: the archaeology.

In the moment that choose the career that want to study, i postulated that medicine, vet and chemistry teaching. Well for a thing that result, waiting list, i finish study veterinary medicine.

My experience in the university has been amazing, magnificent and beautiful because i found the place where i can do mix the science with some that social relation. I learn about the animals and his cares.

The type of the work that i would like is the investigation for prevent the "zoonosis", that are the sickness that are transmit from animals to human.