martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

Turtle: my favorite animal


The turtle changed my favorite animal, last that my uncle gave to my cousin a things that form turtle... i like it because the colour that have in his body, with the time i am beginnig study about this, and every day i like more for  the diversity od the species, forms, habit, colour.

The turtle are reptiles that have a carapace that protect his body, his epidermis is into green and brown colour, have a four legs. They are oviparous, is mean that they born from eggs that his mother put, and ever the seal-turtle crossing the Atlantic to lay their eggs.

The turtle they live in hot zone, because they can not regulate his corporal temperature. We can find sea-turtle, land turtle and some live into the water and the land. 

Well the turtle food according to habitat:

land turtle: green vegetables, fruits 
sea turtle: fish, little animals and vegetables.
It`s all friends for today, and appear is all for this semester... bye

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015


In this last four years we`ve seen some changes about the education in Chile that can be disput if his application is good or not for ours country. After the students protests, of the secondary and the universities with the support of the political party, with facts like march, dancing, delivery a letters and list of request with changes the form of the education like the financing and administration, they got changes like, regulation of  the school pass, that PSU be free, more scholarship .
Also is very important say after this students protests, was got a consolidation into union from different parts like teaching association, worked association (CUT) and political party. The last made a new association: "Nueva Mayorìa" that arrived at governmet and parliament with well-known person in the leadership of the students protest like: Gabriel Boric (independent), Camila Vallejos (PC) , Giorgio Jackson and Karol Cariola (PC)... 
This years, the Republic President announcement more scholarship for the 60% of the students that are in the CRUCH, but this facts is question because not cover the reality of the chilean students, besides the conditions that it`s studing is innapropiate, some people not have money for studing because the education still is a market :/ 

martes, 28 de julio de 2015

Why do I want be a vet?

My dreams when i was a child was lawyer, it last until when i graduate of the primary because i like defend and discuss for anything,  but when i was in the secondary i changed the humanism for the science, because i want learn about other topic of the world, like the nature, the operate of the thing and the body like the human and animals, but i still continue like the history it is the reason that i have a other option of the career: the archaeology.

In the moment that choose the career that want to study, i postulated that medicine, vet and chemistry teaching. Well for a thing that result, waiting list, i finish study veterinary medicine.

My experience in the university has been amazing, magnificent and beautiful because i found the place where i can do mix the science with some that social relation. I learn about the animals and his cares.

The type of the work that i would like is the investigation for prevent the "zoonosis", that are the sickness that are transmit from animals to human.

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015

Three videos

Wabenbau / Honeycombs being built [2 months timelapse]

In this interesting videos we can see the bees in the built of his honeycombs in time lapse. The amazing this is the organization of all the bees working all together. 
The honeycombs is make for a lot of hexagon form that are perfect for built his home without overspend, it will be compact and cover more surface. 
The honey is very delicious and is very important for the human, and the ecosystem, because the honey have property to heal, be a source of energy, sometimes like preservative... But i like for his sweetness.

BBC Supernatural (raining fish!!!!)

This videos show the amazing phenomenon that have happen in zone where the tornado and the rains are abundant, that is the rain of the fish!!! I surprised taht it happened because where i lived never it has ocurred, How are the rainning fish?!!!! :O Well, apparentely it ha ocurred more that once... and it is possible for the tornado that suck out the fish, last it are in the clouds for some time, and when the cloud have a density necessary, it fall down on the land.

Python eats Alligator 04, Time Lapse Speed x24
Wich more call my attention it the force that have the python for kill an alligator, only strangle in spite of the rags and big fang of this!. Last like eats it without the necessty of destroy. The reptile only open his mouth and it beginning swallow for the head`s alligator. It`s like that the video show the process food until the python ate the alligator; with it , I think that in reality a reptile can kill some human :s

martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

Great Migrations activities

Chapter 1

I.-Complete the chart.

1 Animals migrate to find:food and water a safe place to live or breed

2 Animals know when to migrate because:the days get longer or shorter ;the weather gets hotter or colder; there is less food; their bodies make special chemicals.

3 To find their way, animals use: sounds, sun, landmarks, moon, stars, Earth's magnetic field , smells.

4 When animals migrate, there are dangers from: bad weather or predators.


migration: when animals move from one place to another.

migrant: an animal that migrates.

complete migration: when all the animals in a species migrate.

partial migration: when, only some animals in a species migrate.

predators: animals that kill and eatother animals

III.-Correct the sentences.
1 If a place is not good all year long, animals often breed.
If a place is not good all year long, animals often migrate.

2 Arctic terns migrate from the Arctic to the Antarctic and
back every week.
Artic terns migrate from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back every year.

3 Some animals can feel Earth's magnetic garden.
Some animals can feel Earth`s magnetic field.

4 Zebras and whales make special sounds when they are
Bats and whales make special sounds when they are moving.
5 The smells from these sounds help them to find their way.
The echoes from these sounds help them to find their way.

Chapter 7 : Going Home to Breed

I.-Complete the sentences.
1 Salmon eggs hatch
2 The young salmon mígrate down rivers to the ocean.
3 They live in the ocean for a few years.
4 The adult salmon migrate up rivers.
5 They breed and then die.
6 Eel larvae move across the ocean with ocean currents.
7 The young eels migrate up rivers and streams.
8 The eels live in ocean for many years.
9 They migrate back to the rivers to breed.

1 Salmon: migrate from rivers to the ocean to breed.
2 Bears :hunt salmon when they swim up rivers.
3 Eels: migrate from the ocean to rivers to breed.
4 Sea turtles: lay their eggs on land.

III.-Complete the sentences.
1 Sea turtles lay their eggs on land and they cover
them with sand.
2 Then they go back to the ocean.
3 When they hatch, the young turtles dig their way out of
the sand.
4 Then they go into the ocean.

IV.-Answer the questions.
1 How do salmon find their way when they migrate?
The salmon find their way when they mígrate use smell.

2 What happens to sockeye salmon before they breed?
They change color from silver to red before they breed.

3 What helps salmon to swim over dams?
The fish ladder helps salmon to swim over dams.

4 What happens to eels when they move from fresh water to
salt water?
When the eels move from fresh wáter to salt wáter, their stomachs become smaller and their eyes become much bigger.

Chapter 8 :Changing migrations

I.-Complete the chart.

1 Migrants like tuna and sea turtles are in danger because of: fishing or hunting

2 Animals sometimes cannot migrate because of:
power lines/ wind turbines/ roads

3 Habitats are damaged because people:
cut down trees
take out ponds
build fences
build dams

4 Journeys are more dangerous for migrants now because:
there are more storms
there is less ice on polar oceans
deserts are getting bigger
ocean currents are changing

II.- Complete the sentences.
1 Every year, many albatrosses are killed by fishing hooks.
2 Birds like the willow warbler are staying in the north for longer than usual.
3 Polar bears migrate from the ice to the land in summer.
4 Because the ice is melting earlier in spring, polar bears have less time for catching seals.
5 Cod are in danger from too much fishing.

III.-Answer the questions.

1 Why is Earth getting too warm?
The Earth getting too warm because our vehicles, factories, and power stations are making too many gases like carbon dioxide.

2 Why do scientists think that many animal species will migrate to new places or stop migrating?
The scientist think it because the climate is changing.

3 Where do polar bears live in winter?
The polar Bears live in Winter in the Artic.

4 Why has the climate changing made it difficult for polar bears to migrate to land?
The climate changing made it difficult for polar bears to mígrate tol and for there is less ice to walk on and they often have to swim too far across the ocean.

5 Why are scientists putting special markers on some
The scientists putting special marker on some migrants for study and can help to save their habitats.

martes, 28 de abril de 2015

My Life's Main Events

1996 I born !
1999 I began to go to garden.
2000 my sister born

2002 my cousin Sebastian born
/ I began to go to school
2003 My parents had changed to Sain Viator School, where i studied all the primary and secondary.
2007 my litlle brother Cristhian born
2010 a TAXI know down me u.u
2011 my cousin Megan born /it is a year was beginning to secondary
2012 i include at Juvi
January 2014 I became to generaly cordinator of the Juvi
November 2014 The school reward me because i was the best leader pastoral.
December 2014 I finish the secondary.
January 2015 I go into University for i am studing veterinary medicine.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2015

Human Evolution Timeline

Timeline of Human Development

1. About 800,000 years ago, the fire was controlled by early humans.
2. About million years ago most early human species became bipedal.
3. The Homo Habilis used to live in Eastern and Southern Africa.
4. About 12,000 years ago, humans managed to control the growth and breeding of some certain plants and animals.
5. The Sahelanthropus tchadensis is the earliest human species from the timeline.

Answer these questions:

1. What's been the role of climate change in the development of humans?
The role of the climate change in the development of humans is  that it is been possible to migration in continents thanks to ice bridge.

2. In your opinion, what is the most significant milestone for the human evolution? Why?
In my opinion, the most significant milestone for the human evolution is the turning point because they could control to growth and breeding certainsome plants and animals, they can feed on, are wearing and increase the hope to survive in the wild world.

3. Which early human species was thought to be the first to use tools made from stone?
The idea about to use tools made from stone was Paranthropus aethiopicus.

4. Who were the first human species to travel to and live in Europe? When?
The first human species to travel to and live in Europe was Homo heidelbergensis in 700,000 years ago.

5. Which species survived for the longest time? For how long?
The species that survived for the longest time was Homo Erectus 1,747,000 years.

martes, 21 de abril de 2015

My favorite electronic gadget

Hair Dryer
It´s a electronic gadget that some people use to dryer his hair whith a hot or warm air.

I got it 10 years ago!!! Altought i use all the time it is working still in the perfect conditions, and it has served me when i want to dryers my hair whith fast, when i brush to go party and ceremony moments, anyway it`s very useful and i use almost time because it cause damage and burning in the hair ...  :/ But i love!!! it because his sound. I don`t understanding why i like his sound, but i know that it relaxing for me. Maybe i connect his sound with others that i hear when i was a chield like don`t found a canal in the t.v

My life without it would be stressful, a little more slow, i will be more disheveled, but my hair would be more healthy ;)

martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Webquest 1

1.1 Respond to the 10 questions in this section. According to your results, what is your favorite dog breed's name? Collie

1.2 Vocabulary Activity: These words appear in the dog breed questionnaire. Look for the meanings AND add 5 more words that you don't know from the same questionnaire.

example: sprinter: (a dog) that can run very fast in short distances (velocista)
jogger: a dog that can run at a jog trot over some distance for exercise, usually regularly (trotador, corredor)
breed: look after youself and love it (criar)
to hunt: a dog taht have the hability to catch. (a cazar)
laid-back approach: is a characterize of some dogs that are calms.
hunt:it is a sport that consist in catch and sometimes kill to animals. (cazar)
grooming: cleaning and/or tidy  something (acicalamiento, aseo)
1.Couch potatoes: a dog that characterize for be loose.
2.Roommate: a dog that can accompany in your house (compañero de casa)
3.Lithe: a dog than can be flexible and agile. (ágil)
4.strength: a dog that have a force in his body. (fuerza)
5.Trainable: are actions that the humans are doing with other animals for it will behave.

> Activity 2.- Select 3 SHOWS that attract your attention. In two lines for each show, tell me why you want to watch these shows.

Show 1: River Monsters
It is a program that i want to watch because i saw and this very interesting. I love when discover the "monster" and the beatiful rivers and his sorroundings, besides i learning about fishes species.
Show 2: Monster inside me 
This program i never watch but i would like to see, because i be curious if some of the parasitic can live in my body and the damage that it can produce !!!!
Show 3: Wild Kingdom
I want to watch "Wil Kingdom" because it is a program that produce conscience about the human action and the effects on the animals inhabit.

Activity 3: Go to GAMES and select one game. Describe it in two or three lines.
River Monsters Game
Its a game very funny but exasperating because you have catch some monster like flesh ripper, mega salamander and chainsaw predator in a little time.

martes, 7 de abril de 2015

My opinion

Hi!!! Today I will speak to opinion about the different current subject ...
Electronic devices

Well, I think about the cellular phone is a element very useful that it help to comunicate in any place , every days and hours, but the people use too much!!! In example:when a persons is writting in the same table when we are eating. It`s a offence !!!
Other thing i annoy is when i see violence on T.V in the case of "Barras Bravas", because i consider  a stupid action that only damage the sport show and the security of families are meeting in the stadium.

 The Chilean politician

In this last time, Chilean have been victim to corruption, falsification and irregularity in the payment of taxs, when unfortunately some politician are linking, and this moment they are being tried. This acts do tha i don`t believe in the words of the politians.

Besides, in his hands were puting the decision to legalizing abortion in some cases, but they haven`t a decision yet. In my opinion, i believe that have to allow this acts when the life of the mothers and babier are in danger, besides when there is violation.

martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

I want to go to Africa

Hello all my friends, today I will speak about my wish to travel to Africa and a little the informations about this continent.

 It is the poorest continent in the planet and here the people are killing for hungry,  shortage the hygiene and they have not tidy in his governmet. Also for the diversities to animals that you can think.

 I would like to visit Africa because i want contribute with my understanding that i am learning with the carrer that i am studing (Veterinary Medicine) and my adventure spirit. If i go there some day, the first thing that i will do is to know the many country in this continents for i will make a decision about what country i want to live for some time. Therefore i would work with animals and help the persons, this way i would learn the costums.

Well, I hope that other persons include a similar plan in yours lifes to that this world will be a better!!

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2015

My autobiography

My name is Cindy Alfaro Rojas, I was born in Ovalle, Chile in 1996. I studied her primary and secondary at Saint Viator School in the same city ; in this place, I sang a religious choir for many time when she learned a little more the elements of music. Besides, I coordinated a religious group a one year, it is similar that scout.
I lived with my sister, little brother and my stepmother but she is very good!! She is very attend and loving to me. I said that lived because I moved to Santiago around three weeks ago. It has been difficult to me because I have to be a landlady to home and student in the same time,  but with this I am learning to be responsible and tidy.

At present, I am studying veterinary medicine in the glorious University of Chile, it was the reason to move the city are the studies because in Ovalle don’t have a faculty University of Chile. I wish to get good marks and pass the classes.