martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

I want to go to Africa

Hello all my friends, today I will speak about my wish to travel to Africa and a little the informations about this continent.

 It is the poorest continent in the planet and here the people are killing for hungry,  shortage the hygiene and they have not tidy in his governmet. Also for the diversities to animals that you can think.

 I would like to visit Africa because i want contribute with my understanding that i am learning with the carrer that i am studing (Veterinary Medicine) and my adventure spirit. If i go there some day, the first thing that i will do is to know the many country in this continents for i will make a decision about what country i want to live for some time. Therefore i would work with animals and help the persons, this way i would learn the costums.

Well, I hope that other persons include a similar plan in yours lifes to that this world will be a better!!

7 comentarios:

  1. oooh in my post I said that I want to go to Africa too! Beautiful place :)

  2. is amazing that you have an big heart

  3. o_ò cindy africa need a lot of help, and if u want to, then make the posible to travel there *-*

  4. wow! its a great motivation! congrats.

  5. wow! its a great motivation! congrats.

  6. you are right, Africa is not good, they need help, you really have to go!!

  7. you are right, Africa is not good, they need help, you really have to go!!
