martes, 5 de mayo de 2015

Great Migrations activities

Chapter 1

I.-Complete the chart.

1 Animals migrate to find:food and water a safe place to live or breed

2 Animals know when to migrate because:the days get longer or shorter ;the weather gets hotter or colder; there is less food; their bodies make special chemicals.

3 To find their way, animals use: sounds, sun, landmarks, moon, stars, Earth's magnetic field , smells.

4 When animals migrate, there are dangers from: bad weather or predators.


migration: when animals move from one place to another.

migrant: an animal that migrates.

complete migration: when all the animals in a species migrate.

partial migration: when, only some animals in a species migrate.

predators: animals that kill and eatother animals

III.-Correct the sentences.
1 If a place is not good all year long, animals often breed.
If a place is not good all year long, animals often migrate.

2 Arctic terns migrate from the Arctic to the Antarctic and
back every week.
Artic terns migrate from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back every year.

3 Some animals can feel Earth's magnetic garden.
Some animals can feel Earth`s magnetic field.

4 Zebras and whales make special sounds when they are
Bats and whales make special sounds when they are moving.
5 The smells from these sounds help them to find their way.
The echoes from these sounds help them to find their way.

Chapter 7 : Going Home to Breed

I.-Complete the sentences.
1 Salmon eggs hatch
2 The young salmon mígrate down rivers to the ocean.
3 They live in the ocean for a few years.
4 The adult salmon migrate up rivers.
5 They breed and then die.
6 Eel larvae move across the ocean with ocean currents.
7 The young eels migrate up rivers and streams.
8 The eels live in ocean for many years.
9 They migrate back to the rivers to breed.

1 Salmon: migrate from rivers to the ocean to breed.
2 Bears :hunt salmon when they swim up rivers.
3 Eels: migrate from the ocean to rivers to breed.
4 Sea turtles: lay their eggs on land.

III.-Complete the sentences.
1 Sea turtles lay their eggs on land and they cover
them with sand.
2 Then they go back to the ocean.
3 When they hatch, the young turtles dig their way out of
the sand.
4 Then they go into the ocean.

IV.-Answer the questions.
1 How do salmon find their way when they migrate?
The salmon find their way when they mígrate use smell.

2 What happens to sockeye salmon before they breed?
They change color from silver to red before they breed.

3 What helps salmon to swim over dams?
The fish ladder helps salmon to swim over dams.

4 What happens to eels when they move from fresh water to
salt water?
When the eels move from fresh wáter to salt wáter, their stomachs become smaller and their eyes become much bigger.

Chapter 8 :Changing migrations

I.-Complete the chart.

1 Migrants like tuna and sea turtles are in danger because of: fishing or hunting

2 Animals sometimes cannot migrate because of:
power lines/ wind turbines/ roads

3 Habitats are damaged because people:
cut down trees
take out ponds
build fences
build dams

4 Journeys are more dangerous for migrants now because:
there are more storms
there is less ice on polar oceans
deserts are getting bigger
ocean currents are changing

II.- Complete the sentences.
1 Every year, many albatrosses are killed by fishing hooks.
2 Birds like the willow warbler are staying in the north for longer than usual.
3 Polar bears migrate from the ice to the land in summer.
4 Because the ice is melting earlier in spring, polar bears have less time for catching seals.
5 Cod are in danger from too much fishing.

III.-Answer the questions.

1 Why is Earth getting too warm?
The Earth getting too warm because our vehicles, factories, and power stations are making too many gases like carbon dioxide.

2 Why do scientists think that many animal species will migrate to new places or stop migrating?
The scientist think it because the climate is changing.

3 Where do polar bears live in winter?
The polar Bears live in Winter in the Artic.

4 Why has the climate changing made it difficult for polar bears to migrate to land?
The climate changing made it difficult for polar bears to mígrate tol and for there is less ice to walk on and they often have to swim too far across the ocean.

5 Why are scientists putting special markers on some
The scientists putting special marker on some migrants for study and can help to save their habitats.

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