Wabenbau / Honeycombs being built [2 months timelapse]
In this interesting videos we can see the bees in the built of his honeycombs in time lapse. The amazing this is the organization of all the bees working all together.
The honeycombs is make for a lot of hexagon form that are perfect for built his home without overspend, it will be compact and cover more surface.
The honey is very delicious and is very important for the human, and the ecosystem, because the honey have property to heal, be a source of energy, sometimes like preservative... But i like for his sweetness.
BBC Supernatural (raining fish!!!!)
This videos show the amazing phenomenon that have happen in zone where the tornado and the rains are abundant, that is the rain of the fish!!! I surprised taht it happened because where i lived never it has ocurred, How are the rainning fish?!!!! :O Well, apparentely it ha ocurred more that once... and it is possible for the tornado that suck out the fish, last it are in the clouds for some time, and when the cloud have a density necessary, it fall down on the land.
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